Memorial Day

These last few months may have been hectic for some people since so many events are happening. The end of the school year, graduations, and summer season are getting closer, and vacation time! Yet, we must also take time to appreciate the ones who gave their lives for the freedoms we enjoy today. Memorial Day is about remembering all military veterans who served our country and sacrificed their lives doing so. Today is more than a day to skip school, have a BBQ, or have fun with friends. Today is a hard day for the families of the fallen veterans, as today is a daily reminder of their sacrifice. Although we celebrate our freedoms, we must be mindful of this day’s weight on people. Contact them if you know someone is having difficulty today. Let them know that they are not alone and that the sacrifice made by their friend or loved one is not forgotten. Here at Blue Horizon Counseling, we thank all the veterans who served our country and our freedoms. Thank you for your sacrifice; it has not been forgotten.


Independence Day


Expressing Self-Love