Independence Day

Today is the day we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. As we celebrate, we must remember that we are going through a tough time filled with tension due to all the events. This often produces disagreements, which can escalate into bigger problems. This Independence Day, let us remember to be more tolerant of opposing opinions as we strive to create an environment where differences can be freely expressed as our founding fathers had intended. When you are debating with a person with a different opinion, it is easy to feel attacked. Many people do, yet this feeling will only escalate the debate into an argument. This can lead to families and friends creating resentment towards each other. So, here are ways to manage disagreements so that it does not escalate:

1. Find common ground

 If you find common ground with the person you are debating with. It will be easier

to feel less attacked, allowing you to be more clear-minded.

2. Think, Is it worth your relationship?

We are human and constantly desire to win, but this can often lead to

irreparable damage to our relationships as we will strive to great lengths to win the

argument, no matter the cost. Even if it means the end of a relationship.

3. Leave before it escalates

If you are debating with someone and it is going nowhere, it escalates. Then, it is best to take a break before it is too late. After both parties have calmed down, then resume the conversation. This allows you both to clearly understand what the person is debating, as you will also have a clear mind.

These are some of the many ways to manage a debate or argument so that it does not escalate into anything more. This will not only help preserve your relationship but help your mental health as well. As we celebrate this important holiday, remember we are all together.


Memorial Day