Expressing Self-Love

Happy February and Valentine’s Day everyone! Even though this is a time to celebrate and express our love for a loved one, we cannot forget to love ourselves. During this time it is so easy to get lost in finding that special someone that many people neglect to love themselves. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to express your love for yourself: 

Tip #1: Talk to yourself more positively

  • The old saying that “you are your harshest critic” could not be more true, especially when we make a mistake or take a risk. When we make a mistake or take a risk, we are usually the first ones to condemn ourselves for that mistake or risk, but we condemn ourselves more harshly than anyone else could. Instead let us look at our mistakes and risks as progress in the journey to success because as Einstein once said, “ Failure is success in progress”. 

Tip #2: Take some “me time”

  • Although for many people this may be hard to do at first since our lives can get very busy, it is also important for us to set some time aside for ourselves so that we can reconnect with ourselves. This can be many things for different people, such as a trip to the spa, the golf course, or something as simple as treating yourself to that expensive cup of coffee. 

Tip #3: Compliment yourself more

  • Even though you may have a busy day or are used to having people compliment you, don’t forget to compliment yourself. This is one of the most overlooked tips because we are so busy throughout the day that we often forget to give ourselves compliments. These compliments help boost our self-love and confidence and help our mental health. 

These tips are to help remind you guys that although this holiday is for expressing your love for others, do not forget to love yourself. So this Valentine’s Day, while expressing your love to a loved one, don’t forget to express your love for yourself.

– Noah Gonzalez


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